Source code for csql._.persist

from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
import functools
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from ..models.query import PreBuild, Query, QueryBit, QueryExtension, RenderedQuery
from ..models.query_replacers import QueryReplacer
from dataclasses import dataclass
from ..renderer.query import QueryRenderer
from csql import Q
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import *
import threading
import uuid
import logging
import pickle
import hashlib

    import csql
    import csql.persist

logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

class Persistable(QueryExtension):
    """ Attached directly to a slow query. """
    cacher: 'Cacher'

    tag: Optional[str]
    'User-supplied tag, to potentially be used by Cacher to give readable names to things it caches.'

def  cache_replacer(queryRenderer: QueryRenderer) -> QueryReplacer:
    def replacer(q: Query) -> Query:
        if (p := q._get_extension(Persistable)) is None:
            return q

        # q is persistable.
        save_fn = KL._make_save_fn(q, queryRenderer, p.cacher, p.tag)

        #return q._add_extensions(PreBuild(save_fn))
        return save_fn()
    return replacer

Key = str # I keep changing my mind between str, int, bytes...

class KeyLookup:

    saved: Dict[Key, Query] = {}
    locks: Dict[Key, threading.Lock] = defaultdict(threading.Lock)
    _lock = threading.Lock()

    def _get_lock(self, key: Key) -> threading.Lock:
        with self._lock:
            return self.locks[key]

    def _get_key(self, rq: RenderedQuery, tag: Optional[str]) -> Key:
        key_long = pickle.dumps((rq.sql, tag, *rq.parameters))
        key_hash = hashlib.sha1(key_long).hexdigest()
        return key_hash

    def _make_save_fn(self, q: Query, qr: QueryRenderer, c: 'Cacher', tag: Optional[str]) -> Callable[[], Query]:
        rq = qr.render(q)
        # TODO  should be rq =, dialect)
        key = self._get_key(rq, tag)

        def wrapped_save_fn() -> Query:
            with self._get_lock(key):
                if key not in self.saved:
                    logger.debug(f'Executing save function for rendered query {rq} with {tag=}')
                    self.saved[key] = c._persist(rq, key, tag)
                    logger.debug(f'Using cached result for rendered query {rq} with {tag=}')
                result = self.saved[key]

            return result

        return wrapped_save_fn

KL = KeyLookup() # singleton

[docs]class Cacher(ABC): """ Abstract Base Class to represent a persistence/caching method. To define your own persistance method, you can create a concrete subclass of this. Your implementation only needs to define a single method, :meth:`_persist`. For example, you might want to write a cacher for SAP HANA - HANA has special syntax for temp tables, so the builtin :class:`csql.contrib.persist.TempTableCacher` won't work. .. code-block:: py class MyCoolHanaCacher(Cacher): def __init__(self, con): self.con = con def _persist(self, rq: RenderedQuery, key: str, tag: Optional[str]): # name our temp table - arbitrary, but if we make it some stable function of `key` # then we can avoid re-computing in future executions as well. # Additionally, we put `tag` in there too to be nice to the user, but this isn\'t # strictly needed. table_name = f'csql_cache_{tag}_{key}' with con.cursor() as c: try: c.execute( f'create local temporary table #{table_name} as {rq.sql}', rq.params ) except Exception as e: if 'existing table' in e: pass # hana has no 'if exists' clause else: raise return Q(f'select * from #{table_name}') """ def persist(self, q: Query, tag: Optional[str]) -> Query: """ Marks a query as persistabe. :meta private: """ return q._add_extensions(Persistable(self, tag))
[docs] @abstractmethod def _persist(self, rq: csql.RenderedQuery, key: csql.persist.Key, tag: Optional[str]) -> csql.Query: """ This should take a RenderedQuery, save it (keyed by the given ``key``), and return a Query that returns the saved data. :param rq: the :class:`csql.RenderedQuery` you need to save. Remember, ``RenderedQuery`` already has its SQL and parameters prepared and ready to go to a database. :param key: a unique ``key`` to identify the query you've been given. :param tag: a ``tag`` supplied by the user, e.g. if they call ``q.persist(your_cacher, 'some_tag')``. If you want, you can include this in the name of your cached data, to make it easy for curious users e.g. to poke around and see what query resulted in what table. ``key`` is a query content hash that is stable across sessions, so you can avoid re-executing expensive queries if the given key has already been saved in the database (e.g. ``create table if not exists my_table_{key}``). ``csql`` already maintains a record of ``key``-s saved in the `current` process, but this won't persist if the python process is restarted - however your tables potentially could, which is where using ``key`` becomes helpful. For example, you could write .. code-block:: py def _persist(self, rq, key, tag): table_name = f'csql_cache_{tag}_{key}' with self.con.cursor() as c: c.execute(f'create table if not exists my_user.{table_name} as {rq.sql}', params) return Q(f'select * from my_user.{table_name}') if you were comfortable with leaving permanent tables around in your database. """ pass